Here, you'll find everything you need to know about our labs, equipment, resources, experiments, software, questionnaires, and current research. Explore our facilities, access valuable resources, engage in hands-on experiments, learn how to use innovative software, and stay up to date with the latest advancements in psychology research.
The psychology labs are located on the Ground Floor of the Health Sciences Building in Hope Park. They are purpose built rooms that allow researchers to develop and run experiments. Students can carry out psychological investigations using the equipment and resources described on this site. Collecting a wide range of data using these resources gives students the opportunity to enhance their psychological methods and analysis skills as well as experience complex psychological research. The psychology labs are used for some small group teaching, and for staff/postgraduate/undergraduate research activities. Labs are available for student dissertation projects. Equally important for your training in psychology is participation in research studies which undergraduate students can access via SONA.
Lab Manager: Dr Glen Pennington (
Office: HCAEW 107
Ext: 3505
This list is not exhaustive, but here are some of the typical things the lab manager can do, and will support: